Big Mac Fanfic Crossover
Apr 30, 2017 The Secret Life of Big Mac - Ft. Daring Don't - Unedited My Little Pony Fanfiction. My Little Pony. Twilight sparkle x Big Macintosh. Chapter 1: Twilight was lying on her stomach, wings folded. Her mind was on something she'd never felt before. She had been trying for half and hour to find out was she was feeling but she could not put into place. Then something came to her mind. It was Hearts and Hooves Day in a week. Big McIntosh told them as he had bandages around his waist 'Wow Big MacIntosh, look pretty banged up.' Naruto told him. Eh Yup, I got banged up. So Apple Jack thought that she could complete the entire harvest all by herself.' Bic Mac told them as he clutched his side a bit 'That girls pride will come back get her.' Naruto told him as Big Mac.
It was a simple morning at Sweet Apple Acres and the Apple family was going about their regular day of chores; Applejack was bucking apples, Applebloom was tending to the farm animals, and Big Macintosh was plowing the fields. While they were working, Applejack asked Big Macintosh if he could still handle working the fields by himself for the next two weeks since she, Applebloom, and Granny Smith were going to Manehattan without them to attend an Product expo to sell some of their apples and other apple recipes. Big Mac simply replied with his usual 'Yep'. While he was working, he thought he saw something moving in the bushes. He went to go check it out to see if someone was there, but no one was. He figured it was just his wild imagination, so he simply ignored it. After he finished his chores, he and the others went back into the house to start packing for their trip.
At the train station, Big Mac said his goodbyes to his family. He then headed to the market to pick up some groceries for himself since their was no food in the fridge for him to eat. As he was shopping, he still couldn't get that strange feeling that he was being watched by somepony. He still thought it was his wild imagination playing tricks on him, but he was starting to doubt it.
Later that night, he was eating dinner and preparing to go to bed. However, he still couldn't get that strange feeling that he was being watched. As he went to sleep, a group of six hooded ponies came by the apple farm. They five of them were waiting outside, one of the used magic to get inside the house. This individual would then use magic to enter Big Mac's dream and implant something within his subconscious mind. After the deed was done, this individual teleported out of the house and back with the group of hooded figures. They were then teleported to a strange room that had a huge picture of Big Macintosh at the very top of the room. The hooded figures then revealed themselves; they were Fluttershy, Fleetfoot, Cheerilee, Tealove, Marble Pie, and Princess Luna.
'So did you see into his dreams: asked Fleetfoot
'I did. While his normal dream is just him using magic, his wet dream does consist of us. According to the records of his mind, he dreams of mating with us each night of the week with a certain pattern. On Monday he dreams of Cheerilee, Tuesday he dreams of Fluttershy, Wednesday he dreams of Fleetfoot, Thursday he dreams of Tealove, Friday he dreams of Marble Pie, and Saturday he dreams of me. This does not mean he likes us in any particular order, but the feelings are still there.' said Princess Luna showing them images of Big Mac's dream
'So how do we act on this', asked Fluttershy
'I know I want him now', said Tealove
'Um, if I may ask? Who was he dreaming of right now; since today is Sunday.' asked Marble Pie
'He was probably dreaming of all of us at once; am I right' said Cheerilee
'You are right indeed Cheerilee'
'Then we should of woken him up and made him do us now' said Fleetfoot with an anxious look on her face
'No! This has to be done right. We should let him take us all one at a time first. ' said Princess Luna
'So who should go first' said Fluttershy
'Since he dreams of us in a particular order, we should go in that order. He will likely respond to our advances each time in the given order.' said Princess Luna
'Since tomorrow is Monday, I get him first.' said Cheerilee
'That means I have him on Tuesday' said Fluttershy
'I get him on Wednesday' said Fleetfoot
'He's mine on Thursday.' said Tealove
'I guess I have him on Friday' said Marble Pie
'Then that means I have him on Saturday. Now that is settled, we will meet up again on Sunday.' said Princess Luna
'Then we all get to do him' asked Marble Pie
'Perhaps! It will depend on which of us he loves, or lust more.' said Princess Luna
With that said, the six ponies went their separate ways. As they were leaving, they were thinking of what to do to Big Macintosh that will impress him the most and outshine the rest. They were all determine in some form or another to win the heart of Big Macintosh.
I think you all get the idea of where this is going; this is a harem. Now I know that some people ship Big Macintosh with other ponies, but these six are the main ones that I could think of right now. If you know another mare that he is shipped with then let me know in the comments section and I can try and fit them in the future. The first real chapter will be called Cheerilee: The naughty school teacher.
I do not own Naruto and if I did Itachi, and Mikoto wouldn't have died
'Naruto' -normal speech
'Stupid idiots' - thoughts
'Oy gaki listen to me' -demon speech
'stupid ningen'-demon Thoughts
*thunder* -action
'Yo baka' Animals translation/speech
'Check out Bluebirds from Naruto watch?v=48hWGEbBVjw.' -Dawson whitford 2016 ( my friend and my alpha reader)
Naruto X ?
A/N: I wont be able to update daily, I will try to though
*Story start*
'Hey AppleJack, do you need some help with these apples?' Naruto asked her as he prepared to knock some apples down
'Nah, ah can do this myself.' Apple Jack told him as he headed into town
'I wonder what that was about?' Naruto asked as the ground started to rumble
'H~E~Y N~A~R~U~T~O, T~H~I~S M~A~K~E~S M~Y V~O~I~C~E S~O~U~N~D F~U~N~N~Y!' Pinkie told him as the earth rumbled underneath him
'Did I drink bad milk again?' Naruto asked as he turned green thinking about his first kiss.
'STAMPEEDE!' Rarity yelled as a heard of cattle charged at Ponyville
'Ah got this, Winona!' AppleJack yelled as her dog helped to pull the herd away from the city
'Ya hoo. Applejack did it!' Pinkie pie cheered as she pulled out her party cannon mark 45(Pinkies Cannon is the Karl Gerat)
'Pinkie Pie no! People aren't ready for that level of partying!' Naruto warned her as she put her cannon away
'Ok, but one day the world will be ready for my Ultimate Party.' Pinkie told him as Apple Jack approached them
'Hey AJ, what was that about?' Naruto asked her
'OH, one of them said something about snakes and they all panicked.' Apple Jack told them as she headed back to her farm
'Oh lets throw Apple Jack a party!'Pinkie yelled as they all cheered
'Leys do that!' Rarity agreed as she started to decorate the town center
*Several days later*
'Ok, where is Apple Jack?' Mayor Mare asked as Naruto shrugged
'I don't know. The last I saw her was just after the stampede.' Naruto told her
'Don't worry Apple Jack is never late.' Pinkie Pie told them as she bounced pass.
'Ok, she will be here.' Pinkie told them as they started the party
'Ok. Today we are here to thank Apple Jackfor saving Ponyville from the stampede.' mayor mare announced as Twilight approached the stand with a stack of cards several inches thick.
'Now-' Twilight was cut off by Rainbow Dash pushed her out of the way
'Apple Jack was so awesome. Im going to have her help me with my new technique.' Rainbow Dash told the crowd as Twilight moved her out of the way
'Now as I was saying-' Twilight was interrupted as Pinkie pushed her aside
'Apple Jack is the best cook, so Im going to have her help me bake goods at the SugarCube Corner.' Pinkie told them as she bounced off.
'O~k, now-' Twilight as interrupted as fluttershy poked her head up
'Um excuse me, Twilight?' Fluttershy asked her as Twilight threw her card into the air to let the pegasus told
'Hello, um Apple Jack said that she will help me with all the new baby bunnies. Because so many new babies were born we have to gather up all the new babies, and count up the new babies.' Fluttershy told them as Mayor Mare walked up to the stand
'I hereby award Apple Jack with the most reliable pony in ponyville!' MayorMare announced as she pulled out a trophy
'YEAH WOO HOO APPLE JACK!' Spike cheered until he realized that no one else was cheering
'Hey wheres AppleJack?' Base Ward(OC) asked as they looked around for the earth Pony
'Ah'm here. Ah'm here.' Apple Jack told them as she grabbed her award and had a bucket of apples on each of her shoulders
'She looks tired.' Naruto told them as they nodded.
'Eh yup. She decided to harvest all of the apples herself.' Big McIntosh told them as he had bandages around his waist
Mixmeister 7 full. 'Wow Big MacIntosh, look pretty banged up.' Naruto told him
Eh Yup, I got banged up. So Apple Jack thought that she could complete the entire harvest all by herself.' Bic Mac told them as he clutched his side a bit
'That girls pride will come back get her.' Naruto told him as Big Mac nodded
Big Mac Fanfic Crossover 2017
*Rainbow Dash*
'So Apple Jack, you jump down on the X while I stand on the opposite side. Is everything goes correct this will launch me into the air faster then ever.' Rainbow Dash told Apple Jack who was swaying a bit
'Ok.' Apple Jack told her as she climbed the catapult device.
'Whoa.' Apple Jack thought as she jumped down and missed her target
*Several failed attempts later*
'Hey Apple Jack, are you sure you are ok?' Rainbow Dash asked her as she slipped on the board
'Don't worry ah got it.' Apple Jack told her as she jumped on the opposite side
'Apple Jack WAIT~!' Rainbow Dash yelled as she shot off at about mach 1
'Your welcome!' Apple Jack waved as she headed over to Sugar Cube Corner.
'WAIT~!' Naruto looked up and saw a rainbow blur shooting across the sky
'Oi Rainbow Dash, what up?' Naruto asked her as he flew next to her
'HELP~!' Rainbow Dash asked as she crashed into Golden Oaks
'Oh my goodness Rainbow Dash, do you need help?' Twilight asked the upside down pegasus
'Im not the one who needs help.' Rainbow Dash told her as she pried herself from the tree
'Apple Jack?' Twilight asked
'Apple Jack.' Rainbow Dash stated
'Im going to go talk to her and see if I can persuade her.' Naruto told them as a orange aura enveloped and and he shot off to SugarCube Corner.
*SugarCube Corner*
Bleach Crossover Fanfic
'Ok, AppleJack could you hand me some Chocolate Chips
*AppleJack POV*
Could~ you~ hand~ me~ some~ chocolate~ chips~?' Pinke asked her
'Oh right. Chips, Soda, flowers, eggs, cooking soil.' Applejack grabbed all of those and mixed it into a bowl.
*Several minutes*
'Hey everyone, the muffins are done!' Pinkie yelled as every pony grabbed some
'Yeah muffins!' 'Derpy' cheered as all of them took a huge bite out of them
*Emergeny medical ward*
'Oh my goodness what happened Twilight asked as nurse Redheart as she ushered her to the emergency room filled with various sick ponies.
'MUFFINS, WHY DO YOU BETRAY ME?! Derpy cried as she vomited violently into a bucket
'What happened Pinkie?' Twilight asked her as she vomited into a bucket
'There was a baking incident.' Naruto told her as he took a bite out of a muffin with Spike eating a worm filled one on Narutos shoulder
Pokemon Fanfic Crossover
'What happened. I thought that they were baking goods?' Twilight asked
Big Mac Fanfic Crossover 1
'Not baked goods *Barf* baked bads.' Pinkie stated as he vomited into a bucket
'How are you two not effected by it?' Twilight asked them
Overlord Crossover Fanfic
'For Spike, I think that it is because he his a dragon. I have an steel stomach.' Naruto told her as he finished off the muffin.